2 Improv classes down!

As you may or may not know I've been taking Level 1 Improv classes at Dad's Garage here in Atlanta Georgia. I'm grateful enough to say I'll be taking all 4 levels completely free on a scholarship! I originally was supposed to take classes at another location but due to low attendance, the class time was dropped. The same day I was notified, I got the email about this scholarship.  Each level is 8 weeks long, once a week, and cost about $235.

I've already attended 2 classes so far and at the end of each it just got me more excited about the next week. So far we've discussed failure and how to be ok with failing on the stage in improv, knowing that their is no punishment and that finding the joy in failure can help you become invincible in the eyes of the audience. We've worked on our impulses and trying not to make everything logical in our head, stunting that quick thinking on the stage. In addition, we've talked about acceptance of what your partner has to offer and also denial to create conflict.

Since we haven't gotten into scene work, most of our time has been spent playing certain games which really helps open your eyes into how difficult it is to go against that urge you have to plan everything out in your head instead of diving right in. Classic games such as zip zap zop, passing movements with names, discorrelation of 2 things, etc. It has been a lot of fun and I cant wait to continue on ! 
